Tim van de Molen

Tim van de Molen



See how this candidate voted on values-based issues.

For Family Values Score
Gender IdeologyBirth Certificates 2021Allows gender ‘identity’ on your birth certificate rather than birth sex.S-BLK
Gender Ideology‘Conversion Therapy' Ban 2022Criminalises counselling and support around unwanted sexuality and gender issues.S-BLK
Gender IdeologyParent child talks allowed (SOP)Conversations between a child and parent should not be illegal.S-GRN
Gender IdeologyOpinion allowed (SOP)The expression of any opinion should not be illegal.S-GRN
Gender IdeologyParent consent (SOP)Parental consent for transitioning should be required.S-GRN
Gender IdeologyHealth practitioner advice (SOP)A health practitioner should be able to speak freely.S-GRN
Gender IdeologyPrayer allowed (SOP)Prayer in these areas should not be illegal.S-GRN
Gender Ideology3/5 year reviews (SOP)Review of the law on regular basis.S-GRN
AbortionAbortion Legislation 2020New Zealand now has one of the most liberal abortion laws in the world.O-GRN
AbortionBorn Alive Provisions (SOP)A child who survives abortion must be cared for.S-GRN
AbortionSex Selection Ban (SOP)An explicit ban on sex selection abortions.S-GRN
AbortionDisability Discrimination Ban (SOP)An explicit ban on disability discrimination abortions.O-BLK
AbortionFoetal Pain Provision (SOP)Requirement that foetus should not be in pain.S-GRN
AbortionLate Term Limits (SOP)Ban on late-term abortions unless exceptional circumstances.S-GRN
AbortionConscience Provisions (SOP)Conscientious objection standards so medical professionals can opt-out.O-BLK
AbortionSafe Zones 2022Bans prayer vigils and offers of support and counselling to women near abortion facilities.S-BLK
EuthanasiaEuthanasia 2019Allows the state to assist a person to end their own life.S-BLK
EuthanasiaConscientious objection (SOP)Full freedom of conscience provisions for health professionals.O-BLK
EuthanasiaCooling off period (SOP)Mandatory one-week cooling-off period.O-BLK
EuthanasiaEuthanasia 2003Allows the state to assist a person to end their own life.NIP-GRY
DrugsCannabis Referendum 2020Referendum to legalise the recreational use of cannabis.NR-BLK
DrugsDecriminalise All Drugs 2019Decriminalisation of not just cannabis, but all illicit drugs.O-GRN
DrugsMedicinal (Greens) 2018The Green’s grow-your-own-dope-medicine bill, with very little control or safeguards.O-GRN
DrugsMedicinal (Govt) 2019A law to make regulated medicinal cannabis products more accessible.O-GRY
DrugsDrug 'Testing' 2021Allows the ‘testing’ of drugs, despite them still being illicit and harmful.O-GRN
ParentingParent Involvement for Abortions 2020 (SOP)Parents should be informed of a teen’s request for an abortion.S-GRN
ParentingParental Notification 2004 (SOP)Medical professionals should obtain consent of parent of teen wanting an abortion.NIP-GRY
ParentingAnti-Smacking Law 2007Criminalises parents who use reasonable non-abusive physical punishment.NIP-GRY
ParentingDecriminalise Light Smacking 2009Would have decriminalised light and non-abusive smacking for the purpose of correction.NIP-GRY
MarriageSame-Sex Marriage 2013Redefined marriage to allow for same-sex 'marriage', and same-sex adoption of children.NIP-GRY
MarriageMarriage Conscience (SOP)Upholds right of celebrants and service providers to refuse same-sex ‘marriage’.NIP-GRY
MarriageMarriage Definition 2005Clearly define and confirm marriage as a union between one man and one woman.NIP-GRY
OtherHate Speech 2022Free speech would be curtailed by activists who simply disagree with what’s being said.O-GRN
OtherEaster Trading 2022Enabled local districts to decide whether retailers could open on Easter Sunday.O-GRN
OtherEaster Trading 2016Attempted to remove all restrictions on Good Friday and Easter Sunday nationwide.NIP-GRY
OtherRepeal 3 Strikes 2022Removal of the mandatory sentencing regime for repeat violent offenders.O-GRN
OtherProstitution Decriminalise 2003Legalised prostitution, brothels, pimping, and the sexual exploitation of vulnerable people.NIP-GRY
OtherBan Street Prostitution 2015Would have enabled prostitutes to be moved out of residential and family shopping areas.NIP-GRY
OtherRaise Alcohol Age 2012Raising the drinking age from 18 to 20.NIP-GRY

Note: National support medicinal marijuana, but opposed the current law because “smoking is not medicine”, a concern that Family First shares.


Henoch Kloosterboer is a New Zealand Dutchman with more than 15 years experience in commercial art, graphic design, illustration and marketing, He brings a wealth of practical and proven performance to any project. He is skilled at drawing out what clients really want – something he refers to as “listening between the lines”.

With an impressive career history, including work for Disney, Warner Brothers and multiple NZ City Councils, he has applied his proven strategies for organisations in numerous sectors including Roading, Healthcare, Construction, Not-For-Profit, Finance and many more. He’s worked within larger teams, as well as understanding the challenges facing small business owners, having operated his own design firms in Auckland since 2001.


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